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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Tanzania Wildlife Authority Bill Set in Progress

Tanzanian Tourism has long been a high income earner for the country and the establishment of the Tanzania Wildlife Authority is expected to increase revenues from Tanzania's National Parks, forests and Game Reserves according to Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Khamis Kagasheki.

tanzania-tourismThe Wildlife Authority is proposed to officially operate after a Bill is passed in November 2013, to allow the institution commencement.

On giving the industry, private sector and public assurance, Minister Khamis Kagasheki said "We know that this was a decision from Parliament and we acknowledge that it has taken some time, but we assure the MPs that the Bill will be presented in November, this year and the Wildlife Authority will be established soon after".

Along with a focus on developing Tanzania's national attractions and drawing greater revenue from these resources, the authority will assist the government in its ongoing fight against poaching in different parts of Tanzania.

Tourism in Tanzania is elaborative with more than 44% of the country's land covered with National Parks and Game Reserves, the opportunity for investments and revenue in the tourism sector is vast.

In 2012 the country experienced its milestone of 1 million tourist visitors, earning the economy 1.7 billion USD.

With further developments such as the Tanzania Wildlife Authority and increased infrastructure, the industry is set to remain on a steady path to growth.


Tanzania Tourism Milestone 1 million Visitors

It was only a matter of time that East Africa's tourism jewel, Tanzania reached its milestone tourist visits record of over 1 million in 2012 from 867 000 in 2011, a 24 percent increase according to Khamis Kagasheki, Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism.

tanzania-tourismTourism is an important source of income for the East African nation and the National Parks itself drew in a revenue of 65.7 million USD by March with up to 750 797 tourists visiting Tanzania for that period alone.

Tanzania Ngorongoro Conservation Area received 507 984 international tourists by the year end, earning nearly 30 million USD.

The milestone increase to more than 1 million tourists visiting Tanzania resulted from the country upgrading its accommodation facilities and infrastructure that better hosts the country's tourism enthusiasts.

Minister Khamis Kagasheki said "This success story is a result of a number of things including improving road infrastructures in the parks, whereby the Tanzania National Parks (Tanapa) managed to rehabilitate about 6,526.5 km in different parks across the country".

"As government, our role is to market Tanzania outside the world, and the private sector is to invest more in building world-class hotels to meet the country's demand of beds. This would attract more tourists to come into the country which has a wide range of tourist products compared to any other in the East African region" he added.

He also revealed that the government is ranking hotels in Tanzania. Out of the 17 accommodation in Manyara region involved, 2 are ranked Four Star, 11 Three Star accommodation and 4 Two Star facilities.


Saturday, September 29, 2012


There is no doubt that without incorporating Social Media in business, that business and especially in the tourism industry, will not sustain today's increasing competition. That's why TTB has decided to join the move....go on and do more as we do have everything to attract more and more tourists from around the globe....It needs more practice than seminars!! In a short period since TTB joined facebook, it has attracted a lot of fans!! See their page here:

To ensure that TTB staff members are moving to the digital way of promoting the destination. Below are the participants of the workshop practicing on how to use social media i.e twitter and facebook.

Below pictures shows The Tanzania Tourist Board officials practicing in TTB's Board room, on how to use facebook and twitter.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Water melons spell death to elephants: Poachers no longer rely on guns

Where are we heading to??? Who is responsible?? Enough effort in place??

Above Photo: Mr. Adam Akyoo, Communications Manager for the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority showing one of the poisoned pumpkins meant to kill elephants in the park.

To people who rejoice with consuming healthy food, water melons are of high nutritional value. Likewise in the wild water melons and pumpkins are delicacies to some wild animals especially elephants. The problem now is that poachers are using both to lure and deplete elephants. A water melon laced with poison is capable of killing an elephant within minutes.

Recently four suspected poachers have been arrested by Ngorongoro Conservation Area rangers while allegedly plotting to kill elephant’s using poisoned pumpkins and water melons.

They were arrested two weeks ago at Mbulumbulu village in Karatu district, a short distance from the conservation area.

The acting conservator Mr. Shaddy Kyambile said the suspects had intended to use poisoned water melons and pumpkins to kill elephants.

Above Photo: Four suspects arrested last week after allegedly being found with poisoned pumpkins meant to kill elephants.

He told reporters who were rushed there to witness the incident that the system may have been used by poachers in the area to eliminate some animals which are hunted down for their valuable trophies.

All the four suspects are residents of Karatu district which borders NCA. They were been arraigned in court at Loliondo, the Ngorongoro district headquarters.

According to Mr. Kyambile, it takes only a short moment for a poisoned elephant to die after eating the pumpkins or water melons laced with chemicals.

Elephants in Ngorongoro and elsewhere in the country are hunted down for their ivory which is smuggled out of the country to the Asian markets where the demand is high.

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) acting boss said the suspected criminals were arrested by game rangers on patrol and that they had expected to 'trap' them while drinking water at Sahata River.

This is the third incident involving suspected poachers using poison to kill animals. In April this year, four suspects were apprehended at Mang'ola village with the pumpkins and water melons laced with poison.

Another NCAA official Mr. Amiyo T. Amiyo said an elephant collapsed and died at the gate of the conservation area late last month. It is suspected to have consumed a poisoned food.

Recently 14 elephants were found dead near Lake Manyara National Park and were suspected to have been poisoned.

“Elephant poaching has just entered a deadly phase; in the past it was easy for the rangers to hunt down poachers who were armed with guns but the new idea of using poison can be very tricky to contain,” said the NCAA communications Manager Mr Adam Akyoo.

The poison which according to the report with reference Number 242/5394 from the Government’s Chief Chemist Ms Bertha Mamuya, has been described to be the infamous ‘Aldicarb’ that is traded as ‘Temik’ and which belongs to the ‘Carbamates’ group of pesticides.

Aldicarb according to the Chief Chemist’s report has been listed by both the World Health Organization (WHO) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) among the chemicals whose usage is highly restricted and even banned in some countries.

Aldicarb may be freely sold in Tanzania or precisely in the North because the first chemical batch was traced to a retailer in Babati-Manyara while the second was discovered to have originated from a shop at Usa-River in Meru District.

After the recent poisoning of five jumbos, the number of Elephants that have been killed this year has reached 12. Seven such large mammals were reportedly in the Tarangire National Park, four in Manyara and one in Ngorongoro.

Elephants seem to be replacing rhinos as the next endangered wildlife species. In Tarangire alone, where a special ‘elephant project’ is being executed under the Wildlife Conservation Society (WSC) records an average of 9 Jumbos getting killed every year.

In 2009 when the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute conducted an animal census in Tarangire, a total of 2500 elephants were counted. On the same year, ten such Jumbos were shot down, five killed inside the Park and five others outside its boundaries.

The following year 14 carcasses of shot elephants were recorded. The illegal hunters had somehow managed to kill eight of the large mammals, right inside the park and six others were shot outside the reserve.

The Wildlife Conservation Society, through the Assistant Director of WCS program in Tanzania, Dr Charles Foley, donated two Ford Ranger pickup trucks to the Tanzania National Parks to assist in the Anti-Poaching efforts at both Tarangire and Mount Kilimanjaro National Parks.

Tanzania with a count of 110,000 elephants is second after Botswana (which has 123,000), for having the largest number of Jumbos in Africa but the new poisoning trend is currently threatening the number of these large mammals in the country.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Nafikiri sasa ifike mahali serikali ya Tanzania iwe na sheria kali kwa watu wanaofanya uharamia kama huu wa picha zinavyoonekana hapa. Chanzo kinasema hii ilitokea katika hifadhi ya wanyama ya taifa Mikumi. Inawezekana kweli waharibifu hawa wasijulikane? Uwepo ushirikiano wa karibu na wananchi wanaozunguka hifadhi zote za wanyama ili matukio kama haya yapungue lakini pia sheria kali ziwekwe. Ningewezasema sheria kali kama za China zinafaa ili kulinda mali za wanyama tu lakini rasilimali zote za taifa. Hii binafsi imeniuma sana na natumai serikali itachukua nafasi yake mambo kama haya yasiwepo. Kingine labda serikali inatakiwa kuweka usimamizi wa rasilimali za nchi katika mitaala ya shule kuanzia msingi hadi vyuo vikuu ili kila mtu akue hivo na achukue jukumu.

Huyu Simba si kwamba anaumwa magonjwa ya kawaida ila alitegwa kwa waya na ndo inayomuua kwani iko shingoni inaendelea kumnyonga taratibu. Hatujui aliishia wapi kama kuna mwenye taarifa zaidi tujulishane, na pia kama wahusika walikamatika!!

Nafikiri kitengo kinachohusika kitaona hili.



Bodi ya Utalii Tanzania (TTB) imepongezwa kwa kazi nzuri inayofanya katika utekelezaji wa majukumu yake ikiwa ni pamoja na jukumu kubwa la kuitangaza Tanzania kama eneo bora lenye vivutio vingi vya kitalii duniani pamoja na ushindani mkubwa kutoka nchi nyingine na hivyo kufanya idadi ya watalii wanotembelea nchi yetu kuendelea kuongezeka mwaka hadi mwaka sambamba na kuongezeka kwa pato la Taifa litokanalo na sekta ya utalii.

Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii Bi. Maimuna Tarish (wa pili kulia) akiwa kwenye picha ya pamoja na wajumbe wa Baraza la wafanyakazi Bodi ya Utalii baada ya uzinduzi wa baraza hilo jipya katika Ukumbi wa Chuo cha Taifa cha Utalii (Dar es salaam),kushoto kwake ni Mkurugenzi mwendeshaji wa Bodi Utalii Tanzania Dkt. Aloyce Nzuki.

Akifungua kikao cha Baraza la Wafanyakazi wa Bodi ya Utalii hivi karibuni katika ukumbi wa Mikutano wa chuo cha Utalii jijini Dar es salaam Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii Bibi Maimuna Tarish amesema Bodi ya Utalii imeendelea kutekeleza vema majukumu yake na kwamba wafanyakazi wa taasisi wana kila sababu ya kujivunia mafanikio haya kwa kuwa kila mmoja kwa nafasi yake amechangia katika mafanikio hayo. Amewataka wafanyakazi kuendelea kuwa wabunifu zaidi kwa kuibua mawazo mapya yatakayosaidia kuboresha utendaji wa Bodi siku hadi siku na kujipima kwa matokeo ya kazi na mipango wanayojiwekea. “Nawaomba sambamba na kuwa na mipango ya kazi mfanye kazi kwa matokeo na kuwa wabunifu kadri iwezekanavyo kwa kila mfanyakazi kujitahidi kuwa na mawazo mapya ambayo yatasaidia shirika kuboresha utekelezji wa majukumu majukumu yake” alisema Bibi Maimuna.

Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii Bibi Maimuna Tarish (Kushoto) akizungumza na wajumbe wa Baraza la Wafanyakazi wa Bodi ya Utalii Tanzania. Katikati ni Mwenyekiti wa Baraza hilo ambaye pia ni Mkurugenzi Mwendeshaji wa Bodi ya Utalii Dk. Aloyce Nzuki,na kulia ni Katibu wa Baraza hilo Bw Elirehema Maturo.

Akizungumzia mikutano ya Baraza la Wafanyakazi sehemu za kazi Katibu Mkuu huyo amesema jambo muhimu sana katika kutatua baadhi ya matatizo yanayoikabili taasisi husika kwa kuwa mikutano hiyo ndicho chombo cha juu kabisa ambacho wafanyakazi kupitia wawakilishi na viongozi wao wa vyama vya wafanyakazi na Menejimenti wanapata fursa ya kukaa pamoja na kujadili masuala mbalimbali yanayohusu taasisi na afanyakazi kwa ujumla. Amesema kwa kufanya hivyo ni kutekeleza kwa vitendo agizo la serikali linalolenga katika kuendeleza na kudumisha utawala bora jambo ambalo linadumisha umoja na mshikamano baina ya wafanyakazi.

Pichani kushoto ni Bw. Abdurahaman Mdimu, Naibu Mkurugenzi wa Mafunzo ya Uongozi Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma akitoa mada katika mkutano wa Baraza la wafanyakazi la Bodi ya Utalii jijini Dar es salaam. Kulia kwake ni Mkurugenzi Mwendeshaji wa Bodi ya Utalii Tanzania Dkt. Aloyce Nzuki.

Sehemu ya wajumbe wakifuatiliana majadiliano huku Meneja wa Huduma za Kitalii Bw. Philip Chitaunga akichangia mada

Baraza hili jipya la wafanyakazi wa Bodi ya Utalii Tanzania pamoja na mambo mengine kadhaa katika kikao chake hicho cha siku mbili lilipokea na kujadili makadirio ya mapato na matumizi ya Bodi katika kipindi cha mwaka 2012/2013, na taarifa ya utekelezaji wa mipango na kazi mbali mbali za Bodi katika kipindi cha Julai 2011 hadi Machi 2012.

Utalii nii Sekta ya pili nchini kwa kuchangia katika pato la Taifa ambapo inachangia kiasi cha asilimia 17.2 baada sekta ya Madini ambayo ndiyo inaongoza. Aidha kwa mujibu wa takwimu za mwaka 2011 idadi ya watalii waliotembelea Tanzania kutoka nchi mbalimbali duniani iliongezeka kutoka watalii 782,699 mwaka 2010 hadi watalii 867,994. Nayo mapato yatokanayo na utalii yaliongezeka kutoka dola za Kimarekani milioni 1,254.50 mwaka 2010 hadi ufikia dola za kimarekani milioni 1,348,30

Chanzo cha habari: Tanzania Tourist Board

On Safari!!

This was interesting. The guys were thirsty so had to jump on the road just after the safari jeep. Their need were met then they disappeared in the bush. This was in the Ngorongoro Conservation Authority Area. It can happen on your trip too so be prepared to enjoy. The source informs us that Buffalo are also common around the area. Credits to Gideon of RA Safaris

Friday, June 1, 2012

Plan your perfect Tanzania Safari with RA Safaris Co.

RA SAFARIS is a Fully Licensed, reliable Tanzania Safari Tour Operator organizing safaris and tours to explore the nature of Tanzania. RA Safaris is run by a qualified team of African safari tour professionals with over 20 years of combined experience in the travel industry. The vehicles and equipment used are of high quality. Our professional and experienced staff is always up to discuss and arrange proper itineraries.

The focus of our Tanzania Safari tours is on QUALITY SERVICE and SAFETY! Combine this focus with the beautiful scenery and wildlife of Tanzania, RA Safaris is one of the most ideal locally owned and run African safari company to arrange your life time adventure. We specialize in wildlife safaris in all the National Parks and Game Reserves of Tanzania including the Serengeti National Park-endless plains, the Ngorongoro Crater-eighth natural wonder of the world, Lake Manyara- tree climbing lions, Tarangire, Mikumi, Ruaha and Arusha National Park wildlife areas. You mention Game Reserves in Tanzania; RA Safaris is prepared to take you to any destination of your choice in Tanzania.

RA Safaris also specializes in mountain climbing/trekking in Tanzania, including Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru and Oldoinyo Lengai. Additionally, RA Safaris can combine these excursions with walking safaris, cultural tours, biking and Zanzibar beach holidays. We are a full service Tanzania safari tour company: we will arrange your flights, book your accommodations, arrange for transfers, and much more. RA Safaris will guide you to and through the nature of Tanzania with quality service and your safety always in mind.

Are you looking for professional and experienced staff, high quality food and equipment on your Tanzania Safari? Book with RA Safaris Ltd today!



Sunday, April 15, 2012


The decision taken by Qatar Airways to fly to Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) sounds great and will surely boost tourist arrivals to Tanzania. For years only a few International airlines flew to/fro JRO for reasons not easy to understand. Kilimanjaro Airport falls on the most popular tourist circuit which is the northern circuit. Since only a few international airlines have routes to/fro JRO, many tourists have to land either Dar es Salaam or Nairobi but looks most of them lands at Nairobi then fly to JRO or have to take shuttle buses to Arusha to start their trips, being safari, Kilimanjaro trek, mount Meru trek or any other activities planed. This situation is slowing Tanzanias Tourism Growth. For instance recently one potential client to Tanzania had to rethink of their trip and decided to go Kenya only because their flight was to/fro Nairobi and here is what they said: "we don't see why we should arrive at Nairobi then take another flight to Kilimanjaro, instead we have to do safari in Kenya so may you send us a quote for safari in Kenya". For interested readers, I will later post a small article about the matter and how important for Tanzania to have airports developed for airlines to extend their routes to Tanzania and increase the number of international flights so that we get more from the tourism industry which is growing rapidly world wide.

Below is a note related to Qatar Airways flying to JRO!

QATAR Airways has announced the launch of flights from Doha to Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) starting July this year.
Qatar Airways Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker said this at the ITB Berlin, the world's largest travel show that took place in the German capital last week.

A statement issued by Qatar Airways and a copy availed to the 'Daily News' in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday said the airliner will serve KIA with Airbus A320 via Nairobi. On his part, CEO of Kilimanjaro Airport Development Company (KADCO), Mr Marco van de Kreeke, said the link with Qatar Airways which enjoys strong global network will improve connections to the Middle East, India, China and other Asian destinations.

He was optimistic that the daily service to Doha will further stimulate the growth and help the airport fulfill its mission of becoming the most preferred gateway to the Northern tourism circuit of Tanzania."We are very happy with the Qatar Airways move to fly to KIA. Connections to Australia and New Zealand will also improve.

Travellers from Europe and America will have another option to reach Kilimanjaro", he said. He said the Doha hub provides many connection opportunities to big capitals and cities around the world. "For example, London which will be soon served from Doha by Qatar Airways five times a day is the biggest market source for Kilimanjaro", he added.

The Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB) Managing Director Dr Aloyce Nzuki while commenting on the importance of the new route, said there are plenty of benefits for the Northern Tourism Circuit. "Kilimanjaro, Tanga, Arusha and Manyara regions host some of the most unique and important tourist attractions in the country. We expect the benefits to spread over to the entire area", he said.

He said the Kilimanjaro route is one of the fastest growing hubs in today's aviation industry and for the development of tourism potentials in the country. Qatar Airways has been voted best airline in the world. We believe this quality product matches the many unique experiences that our National Parks offer to the discerning traveler of today," he added.
The announcement of Qatar Airways comes shortly after the company had secured 35 million US dollars (about 56bn/-) boost to give the airport a facelift. The renovation work which covers upgrading of runway, taxiways and aprons started in January this year. The project will also include building of a new taxiway to increase the capacity of the airport, upgrading and expansion of the terminal building to meet the growing number of passengers.

Kilimanjaro International Airport currently serves 650,000 passengers per year with the number of international arrivals increasing consistently by nearly 15 per cent per year since 2003. Qatar Airways currently operates a modern fleet of 105 aircraft to 112 key business and leisure destinations across Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, North America and South America.

By Daily News (Dar Es Salaam)
also found at

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Toyota Landcruiser for sale

Toyota Landcruiser for sale. 1998. Fullyrefurbished and customised. One owner, fully seviced every year. Perfectcondition. Fitted as safari vehicle, open sides 7 seats. Leaf springs. radio,high lift jack.

fore more informations please call or text 0784 278 639